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Arbor Day
Arbor Day

Table of Contents

Amazing Grace

For the Beauty
of the Earth

Heaven and Earth,
and Sea and Air

Holy, Holy, Holy

Fairest Lord

This is My
Father's World

All Things Bright
& Beautiful

Click on the song you would like to sing along with !

Each tune has a PDF File Worksheet which includes lyrics, vocabulary, imagery, poem mechanics, comprehension questions, what does the Bible say, poet info, geography, activities and more!


Amazing Grace

PDF File Worksheet

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.

Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come;
Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me,
His Word my hope secures;
He will my Shield and Portion be,
As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
The sun forbear to shine;
But God, Who called me here below,
Shall be forever mine.

When weve been there ten thousand years,
Bright shining as the sun,
Weve no less days to sing Gods praise
Than when wed first begun.

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Heaven and Earth, Sea and Air

PDF File Worksheet

Heaven and earth, and sea and air,
All their Makers praise declare;
Wake, my soul, awake and sing:
Now thy grateful praises bring.

See the glorious orb of day
Breaking through the clouds his way;
Moon and stars with silvery light
Praise Him through the silent night.

See how He hath everywhere
Made this earth so rich and fair;
Hill and vale and fruitful land,
All things living, show His hand.

Lord, great wonders workest Thou!
To Thy sway all creatures bow;
Write Thou deeply in my heart
What I am, and what Thou art.

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Fairest Lord Jesus
PDF File Worksheet

Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all nature,
O Thou of God and man the Son,
Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honor,
Thou, my souls glory, joy and crown.

Fair are the meadows, fairer still the woodlands,
Robed in the blooming garb of spring;
Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer,
Who makes the woeful heart to sing.

Fair is the sunshine,
Fairer still the moonlight,
And all the twinkling starry host;
Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer
Than all the angels heaven can boast.

All fairest beauty, heavenly and earthly,
Wondrously, Jesus, is found in Thee;
None can be nearer, fairer or dearer,
Than Thou, my Savior, art to me.

Beautiful Savior! Lord of all the nations!
Son of God and Son of Man!
Glory and honor, praise, adoration,
Now and forever more be Thine.

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For the Beauty of the Earth

PDF File Worksheet

For the beauty of the earth
For the glory of the skies,
For the love which from our birth
Over and around us lies.

Lord of all, to Thee we raise,
This our hymn of grateful praise.

For the beauty of each hour,
Of the day and of the night,
Hill and vale, and tree and flower,
Sun and moon, and stars of light.


For the joy of ear and eye,
For the heart and minds delight,
For the mystic harmony
Linking sense to sound and sight.


For the joy of human love,
Brother, sister, parent, child,
Friends on earth and friends above,
For all gentle thoughts and mild.


For Thy Church, that evermore
Lifteth holy hands above,
Offering upon every shore
Her pure sacrifice of love.


For the martyrs crown of light,
For Thy prophets eagle eye,
For Thy bold confessors might,
For the lips of infancy.


For Thy virgins robes of snow,
For Thy maiden mother mild,
For Thyself, with hearts aglow,
Jesu, Victim undefiled.


For each perfect gift of Thine,
To our race so freely given,
Graces human and divine,
Flowers of earth and buds of Heaven.


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Holy, Holy, Holy

PDF File Worksheet

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee;
Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!
God in three Persons, blessèd Trinity!

Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore Thee,
Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;
Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee,
Who was, and is, and evermore shall be.

Holy, holy, holy! though the darkness hide Thee,
Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see;
Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee,
Perfect in power, in love, and purity.

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
All Thy works shall praise Thy Name, in earth, and sky, and sea;
Holy, holy, holy; merciful and mighty!
God in three Persons, blessèd Trinity!


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This is My Father's World

PDF File Worksheet

This is my Fathers world, and to my listening ears
All nature sings, and round me rings the music of the spheres.
This is my Fathers world: I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas;
His hand the wonders wrought.

This is my Fathers world, the birds their carols raise,
The morning light, the lily white, declare their Makers praise.
This is my Fathers world: He shines in all thats fair;
In the rustling grass I hear Him pass;
He speaks to me everywhere.

This is my Fathers world. O let me neer forget
That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet.
This is my Fathers world: why should my heart be sad?
The Lord is King; let the heavens ring!
God reigns; let the earth be glad!

This is my Fathers world, dreaming, I see His face.
I ope my eyes, and in glad surprise cry, The Lord is in this place.
This is my Fathers world, from the shining courts above,
The Beloved One, His Only Son,
Camea pledge of deathless love.

This is my Fathers world, should my heart be ever sad?
The lord is Kinglet the heavens ring. God reignslet the earth be glad.
This is my Fathers world. Now closer to Heaven bound,
For dear to God is the earth Christ trod.
No place but is holy ground.

This is my Fathers world. I walk a desert lone.
In a bush ablaze to my wondering gaze God makes His glory known.
This is my Fathers world, a wanderer I may roam
Whateer my lot, it matters not,
My heart is still at home.


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All Things Bright And Beautiful
PDF File Worksheet

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful:
The Lord God made them all.

Verse 1
Each little flower that opens,
Each little bird that sings,
God made their glowing colors,
And made their tiny wings.


Verse 2
The purple headed mountains,
The river running by,
The sunset and the morning
That brightens up the sky.


[The following verse is omitted
from most hymnals]

Verse 3
The rich man in his castle,
The poor man at his gate,
He made them high or lowly,
And ordered their estate.


Verse 4
The cold wind in the winter,
The pleasant summer sun,
The ripe fruits in the garden:
God made them every one.


Verse 5
The tall trees in the greenwood,
The meadows where we play,
The rushes by the water,
We gather every day.


Verse 5
God gave us eyes to see them,
And lips that we might tell
How great is God Almighty,
Who has made all things well.


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Request:  Do you have any other special Christian tunes for Arbor Day?
If so, e-mail us your ideas by clicking

© Beverly Schmitt 1997-2004, all rights reserved
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