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Special Helps

Special Helps
Special Helps
Portfolio Ideas
Teaching Note Taking


Table of Contents

How do I use flashcards?


Flashcard Games for two+ sets
of the same flashcards

How do I care for the flashcards?






How do I use the flashcards?

Anyway you choose!  Be sure to laminate the flashcards!

1)  Use them to simply flash the main concept or the front of the flashcard.

2)  Flash the back side of the flashcard and have the student form the question on the front.

3)  Flashcard War:  Flashcard War is played the same way regular War is played with a regular deck of cards.  Set the flashcards in the middle of the table (or floor) either face up or face down (it does not matter).  Each person takes a turn and either answers the question on the front of the flashcard or forms a question for the back of the flashcard.  When a mistake is made, leave the flashcards in the middle of the table for the other person(s) to have a turn.  If the other person answers correctly, s/he takes all the flashcard.  If no one answers the question correctly, leave the flashcard in the middle of the table and go on to the next flashcard.  The very next person that is able to answer the next flashcard takes all the flashcards in the middle.  The person with the most flashcards wins.

4)  Impromptu quizzes.  If questions are answered incorrectly, review that material again until the student gains mastery.

5)  Quick review.

6)  Self-review.  It is much easier to review concepts with flashcards by yourself.  You either know the information on the flashcard or you do not.

7)  Sunday School.  Several years ago, many church's had Sunday school classes that included world history in their curriculum covering it from a Christian worldview.  Why not reincorporate that idea in your Sunday school classes?

8)  Vacation Bible School.  Flashcards are much easier to keep on task when using the World History Survey to teach many at Vacation Bible School.  Helping students to provide quick, short, and concise answers.  Moreover, Vacation Bible School students will be able to use the flashcards for their own self-review.

9)  Pop Quizzes / Midterms / Finals.  Flashcards are a great resource to use as a parent for pop quizzes, midterm exams, and finals.  In that way, the questions and answers are already available in a ready to use format!

10)  Alphabetizing.  By utilizing the front of the flashcards, students are able to learn how to alphabetize words quickly and easily.  More importantly, they may be shuffled over and over again for more alphabetizing practice.


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Flashcard Games

Flashcard War:  Flashcard War is played the same way regular War is played with a regular deck of cards.  Set the flashcards in the middle of the table (or floor) either face up or face down (it does not matter).  Each person takes a turn and either answers the question on the front of the flashcard or forms a question for the back of the flashcard.  When a mistake is made, leave the flashcards in the middle of the table for the other person(s) to have a turn.  If the other person answers correctly, s/he takes all the flashcard.  If no one answers the question correctly, leave the flashcard in the middle of the table and go on to the next flashcard.  The very next person that is able to answer the next flashcard takes all the flashcards in the middle.  The person with the most flashcards wins.


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Flashcard Games:  For two or more sets of the same flashcards ...

1)  Concentration:  If two copies of the flashcards are printed off, play a form of concentration.  Lay out 10 flashcards.   Place one flashcard face up and place its duplicate face down.  When you have arranged all the flashcards out.  Place paper over the all the flashcards, duplicates and all.  Take turns playing concentration.

2)  Matching:  If two copies of the flashcards are printed off, play a form matching game by placing one card face up and another card with the back facing up.


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How do I care for the flashcards?

Be sure to laminate the flashcards!

Otherwise ...

 the ink will flake off when it becomes cold
if the flashcards become too hot, the ink will glue the pages together!

Purchase an inexpensive, canvas pencil holder with holes on the left-hand side so it may be placed in a 3-ring binder.  Place a rubber band around chapter specific and/or book specific flashcards placing them in the canvas pencil holder.


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