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USAGE AGREEMENT: Under no conditions may these copyrighted Book Report Forms be sold or published. They are made available to homeschooling families and private Christian schools FREE of charge in order to assist in the advancement of Christian education.*
Reading is a joy. To preserve the joy of reading, some parents may opt to use these Book Report Forms sparingly perhaps only 1-2 times per month. You know YOUR child best. The forms are designed to also help you teach writing skills to your children. They can copy the completed form onto writing paper and have a completed report they can be proud of. These Book Report Forms are progressive and built upon previous concepts learned and mastered. Mastery of these skills is not based upon a race. Nor are the Book Report Forms meant to indicate that this is where your scholar should or should not be at a particular grade or age. Some children will be in advance of the forms, others will fall right in the median, and other children may find they need to go back in order to gain mastery. You know YOUR scholar. *NOTE: Another option that you may wish to do is to print off the introductory section for each grade as there are special ideas, check off lists, and review lists pertinent to that particular grade. These forms are in an Adobe Portable Document (.pdf) format to preserve the layout quality and insure a smooth reproduction for the user. Therefore, you can only view these files if you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine. If you do not, it is a free download. Just click the yellow Get Acrobat Reader button.
Also, be sure to check out the following forms for your 8th grade plus scholars ...
NOTE: All Rights Reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form by any means --- graphic, electronic, or mechanical including photocopying, recording, taping or information storage and retrieval systems without written permission from the publisher. Parents and teachers are expressly given permission by the publisher to copy this page and its attached file so long as the copies are for their own students and not for resale. You may make copies for yourself and your students. You may NOT make copies for friends or other teachers' students. © Beverly Schmitt 1997-2004, all rights reserved Questions/Comments? E-mail |
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