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Why Grammar? Christian Worldview Many of us that attended government school either never understood the importance of grammar or did not care. Some only performed the grammar exercises assigned since it was required and/or we did not want to get "in trouble." This is so sad because grammar is not just about the mechanics of language, but has a Christian worldview behind it. Grammar, as in all things in creation, points us to our Lord.
NOTE: Abbreviation flashcards are reversable
Redeeming the Time: This is a Christian concept meaning to convert time into value, to recover, to not waste.
Abbreviation Definition: To shorten or reduce a word or phrase. Used for brevity. Even the word abbreviation is abbreviated (abbrev.) !
Sometimes, instead of writing a proper name in full, we write only one or two letters of the name. Instead of writing Patrick Henry, for example, we may write P. Henry. Try abbreviating your name with just taking the letter of your first name and placing a period behind it and writing your last name beside it. Now, do the same thing and add on the intial to your middle name. Do this with the names of your mother, father, sister, brother, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors, etc.
Rule: Every abbreviation should be followed by a period. Abbreviations of proper names, when single letters are always written in capital letters.\
Week #1
Week #2:
Latin = anno Domini |
Week #3:
Caution: Never add Mr. and Esq. to the same name.
Week #4:
Latin ante meridiem |
Latin post meridiem |
Week #5:
Week #6
Week #7:
Source Material Abbreviations
i.e. = that is (Latin id est)
e.g. = for example (Latin exempli gratia)
c = copyright
c., ca. = about
cf. = compare (Latin confer)
ed. = editor, edited, edition
et al. = and others (Latin et alii)
and elsewhere (Latin et alibi)
f., ff. = following page, pages
ibid. = in the same place (Latin ibidem)
id. = the same (Latin idem)
l., ll. = line, lines
loc. cit = in the place cited (Latin loco citato)
ms., mss = manuscript, manuscripts
N.B. = note well (Latin nota bene)
op. cit. = in the work cited (Latin opere citato)
sic = thus (Latin) ; when quoting a passage with an error (e.g., wrong date, misspelling, etc.) let the reader know you are quoting directly -- insert sic beside the error
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