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Why Grammar? Christian Worldview Many of us that attended government school either never understood the importance of grammar or did not care. Some only performed the grammar exercises since it was required or we did not want to get "in trouble." This is so sad because grammar is not just about the mechanics of language, but has a Christian worldview behind it. Grammar, as in all things in creation, points us to our Lord.
Concrete / Abstract / Collective Nouns PDF file worksheets (includes flashcards)
Concrete Nouns
Concrete Noun Definition: A thing that may be touched or seen. Concrete nouns may be either common or proper.
Examples: Ford, dog, Statue of Liberty, piano, herd, dancer, football, toy, White House, hat, desk, book, box
Abstract Nouns
Abstract Noun Definition: Names an idea, doctrine, thought, theory, concept, condition, or feeling. It cannot be touched or seen. Abstract nouns may be either common or proper.
Examples: liberty, courageousness, goodness, salvation, ambition, electricity, individuality, poverty, New Deal, satisfaction, beauty, strength
Collective Nouns
Collective Noun Definition: Names a group or unit. Collective nouns may be either common or proper.
Examples: United States, congress, faculty, audience, team, crowd, herd
Special Note:
At this point, you may want to go to Grammar - Suffixes as the noun suffixes will help you to identify the abstract nouns very quickly and painlessly.
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